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Situated near the town of Jessieville, Arkansas, the Jessieville Shooting Range offers recreational opportunities for enthusiasts seeking a spot for target practice shooting. The range operates from sunup to sundown throughout the year, with peak usage observed before and during the hunting season.

Key Features:

  • Operational Hours: Sunup to sundown.
  • Cost: Free of charge.
  • Season: Open all year round.
  • Usage: Medium, with increased traffic before and during hunting season.
  • Restrictions: Regulations are diligently posted at the range for users’ convenience.

Directions: To reach Jessieville Shooting Range:

  1. From Jessieville, head south for 1.5 mi on Highway 7.
  2. Turn right (west) onto Highway 298 and continue for 12 mi.
  3. Make a left (southwest) on Forest Service road J47 and drive for 6 mi.
  4. Turn right (west) onto Forest Service road 5832 for another 1.5 mi.
  5. Finally, take a left (south) onto Forest Service road J45T and proceed for 0.5 mi.

Operational Management: The range is managed by the Jessieville-Winona-Fourche Ranger District. They can be contacted at (501) 984-5313 for further inquiries.

Feedback from Visitors: Users of the range appreciate its year-round availability and the clear posting of rules and regulations. The no-cost access is a particular highlight for many. However, the busiest periods before and during hunting season might lead to higher wait times.

Note: Visitors are urged to be aware that the provided geospatial data and maps are not legal documents and shouldn’t be used for determining title, ownership, or boundaries. The data is dynamic and may change over time. Additionally, natural hazards might not always be depicted on the data or maps. It’s the responsibility of the user to recognize the limitations of the data and act accordingly.


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