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Barbour WMA Shooting Range is situated in Midway, Alabama, with the specific address being 370 County Road 49, Comer, AL. For those utilizing GPS, the coordinates are N 31 deg. 58’ 52.0” W 85 deg. 27’ 02.7”. Conveniently, it’s about 5 miles south of Comer, just off highway 49, and merely a mile north of the Barbour County Public Fishing Lake. For a better perspective, an aerial image of the location is available.


  1. Distances up to 100 yards available for shooting.
  2. Separate concrete pad for shotgun enthusiasts targeting clay pigeons.
  3. Wheelchair accessible with concrete pathways leading to target lines.
  4. Independent downrange access facilitated by an earthen berm separating the 25 and 100-yard ranges.

Operational Hours: Open during daylight, barring special permit considerations.

License Requirements:

  • For Alabama Residents: Those aged 16-64 need to have a valid hunting, heritage, fishing, or WMA license.
  • For Nonresidents: A valid WMA or non-resident hunting license is mandatory for all range users aged 16 and above.

Licenses can be acquired online, by calling 1-888-848-6887, or via a retail vendor in the community.


  • Daylight operation (unless with a permit).
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  • Only legal firearms and ammunition are permitted. Armor-piercing or tracer rounds are not allowed.
  • Safety first: Unloaded firearms at all times when not firing, with muzzles always directed safely.
  • Designated shooting stations must be adhered to.
  • Shotguns, with certain specifications, are to be used in designated clay areas.
  • Cleanliness is paramount. Dispose of used targets, shells, and other debris appropriately.
  • Any violation of posted restrictions is deemed illegal.

Reviews Overview: Visitors have appreciated the Barbour WMA Shooting Range for its serene location and facilities. However, a couple of pointers from reviews indicate there might be limited cell phone coverage in certain areas, so having offline maps or paying close attention to signage is recommended. Additionally, while many find the facility commendable, there are suggestions for improved signage and the addition of restrooms.

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