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When you step onto the Jerome, ID Range, a world of precision and skill awaits you. The crack of gunfire, the challenge of hitting your mark, and the camaraderie of fellow shooters create an atmosphere of excitement and focus.

But there’s more to this range than just shooting – it’s a place where enthusiasts gather not only for the sport but also for the shared passion for the outdoors and the thrill of competition.

Your journey at the Jerome, ID Range promises to be a blend of skill, camaraderie, and perhaps a few surprises along the way.

Outdoor Activities in Jerome, ID

Discover a variety of outdoor shooting activities at the Jerome Gun Club in Jerome, ID, including a 13-station Sporting Clays range. This range offers participants the opportunity to engage in realistic bird and rabbit shooting experiences. The Sporting Clays range at the Jerome Gun Club is a popular choice for outdoor enthusiasts looking to test their skills in a dynamic setting.

In addition to the Sporting Clays range, the club also features a Trap field, providing visitors with a range of shooting options to enjoy.

The shoots at the Jerome Gun Club typically kick off at 10:00 a.m. on the first Saturday and third Sunday of every month, offering shooters regular opportunities to participate in these outdoor activities. Whether you’re interested in trap shooting, pistol and rifle shooting, or simply exploring the various shooting options available, the Jerome Gun Club in Idaho caters to a diverse range of interests in the realm of outdoor shooting sports.

Scenic Hikes and Trails

Jerome, ID isn’t only known for its outdoor shooting activities but also offers scenic hikes and trails with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The trails in Jerome provide a fantastic opportunity for outdoor enthusiasts to immerse themselves in nature and partake in recreational activities.

These trails offer a variety of terrains, from open fields to wooded areas, catering to hikers of all skill levels. As you traverse the trails, keep an eye out for wildlife sightings that are common in the area, adding to the allure of hiking in Jerome.

Whether you’re a beginner looking for a leisurely stroll or an experienced hiker seeking a challenge, Jerome’s hiking trails have something for everyone. So, lace up your hiking boots, grab your water bottle, and head out to explore the beauty of Jerome, ID, while leaving the pistol range behind for a different kind of adventure.

Fishing Spots and Tips

When fishing in the vicinity of Jerome, ID, anglers can explore a variety of prime fishing spots renowned for their diverse fish populations and scenic surroundings. Some popular fishing spots near Jerome include the Snake River, Magic Reservoir, and Salmon Falls Creek. These locations offer opportunities to catch a variety of fish species such as trout, bass, catfish, and perch.

To enhance your fishing experience in Jerome County, consider using live bait, lures, or flies tailored to the specific fish you’re targeting. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with local regulations and ensure you have the necessary fishing licenses for Idaho waters before casting your line.

If you’re looking for more fishing insights or want to connect with fellow anglers, the Jerome County Rod and Gun Club can be a valuable resource. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or new to the sport, fishing in Jerome, ID, promises a relaxing outdoor adventure amidst stunning natural landscapes and abundant fishing opportunities.

Wildlife Viewing Opportunities

Amidst its shooting facilities, the Jerome Gun Club offers wildlife viewing opportunities where visitors can observe various bird species and other wildlife in the natural habitat near the shooting range. Bird enthusiasts may catch sight of pheasants, quails, and doves in the surrounding area, adding to the allure of the club’s location in Jerome, Idaho.

Additionally, wildlife enthusiasts have the chance to spot rabbits and squirrels in their natural environment, enhancing the overall outdoor experience at the Jerome Gun Club. The picturesque setting of the club provides a perfect backdrop for observing wildlife in their element.

These wildlife sightings contribute to the charm of the club, allowing visitors to appreciate the beauty of nature while engaging in shooting activities. Whether you’re an avid bird watcher or simply enjoy being in the presence of wildlife, the Jerome Gun Club offers a unique opportunity to witness various species thriving in their habitat.

Camping and Accommodation Options

For convenient camping and lodging near Jerome, explore the nearby Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir Campground just a short drive from the shooting range. Here are some camping and accommodation options to consider:

  1. Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir Campground: This campground offers a picturesque setting with various campsites, picnic areas, and fishing opportunities along the reservoir.
  2. City of Jerome: Visitors can find a range of accommodations in Jerome itself, including hotels, motels, and bed and breakfast options for a comfortable stay.
  3. Twin Falls: With Jerome’s proximity to Twin Falls, visitors have additional choices for lodging, dining, and entertainment, expanding the options for a rewarding stay.
  4. RV Parks and Campgrounds: Outdoor enthusiasts can also explore RV parks and campgrounds located within a reasonable distance, providing various amenities to cater to different preferences and needs during the camping experience.




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