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Situated amidst the natural beauty of Crawford, CO, the BLM Shooting Range is a destination for firearms enthusiasts. This open-air range, located at Crawford, CO 81415, United States, offers the space and freedom for a variety of shooting activities. However, potential visitors should be aware of both the facility’s features and its current state as reported by those who have experienced it firsthand.

Key Features:

  • Open-air shooting range
  • Located in scenic Crawford, Colorado

Visitor Insights:

Based on available feedback, the BLM Shooting Range presents a mixed experience:


  • The site provides an open environment suitable for various shooting practices.


  • Environmental Concerns: The range has been critiqued for cleanliness and maintenance issues, with reports of littering, including shotgun shells and bullet casings left behind by users.
  • Waste Disposal: There have been instances of illegal dumping, with large items like appliances and furniture found on-site, which detract from the natural surroundings.
  • Safety Considerations: Discarded items such as hypodermic needles raise concerns about the safety and well-being of visitors.
  • Impact on Wildlife: The presence of deceased animals within the vicinity has been noted, which may be distressing for some visitors and reflects poorly on the range’s environmental stewardship.


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